文献精选(Selected Books and Articles) 发布时间:2011-05-09 点击:1097

文献精选(Selected Books and Articles

DANIEL E W. Sustainable design: ecology, architecture, and planning [M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.

Frederick R S, KENT B S, Planning and urban design standards(Students Edition[M].  New York: John Wiley & Sons 2006.

■中华人民共和国建设部科学技术司,智能与绿色建筑文集3——第三届国际智能、绿色建筑与建筑节能大会[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007.

Andrea C., etc. Assessing the environmental consequences of major sporting events: the 2003/04 FA Cup Final [J]. Urban Studies, 2007,44(3): 457-476.

Steve H., etc. Ecologies and economies of actionsustainability, calculations, and other things[J]. Environment and Planning A, 2007,39(2): 260-282.

Seong-Kyu H. Housing regeneration and building sustainable low-income communities in Korea [J]. Habitat International, 2007,31(3):116-129.

PAULO M. BRAGANCA L.  Sustainable housing with mixedweight strategya case study [J]. Building and Environment, 2007, 42: 3432-3443.

■诸大建, 邱寿丰. 城市循环经济规划的分析工具及其应用[J]. 城市规划,2007(3):64-69.

■官卫华等. 城市生态廊道规划思路与策略研究——以南京为例[J]. 现代城市研究,2007(1): 51-58.