文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)
■CHAPINT D., etc. A parcel-based GIS method for evaluating conformance of local land-use planning with a state mandate to reduce exposure to hurricane flooding[J], Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2008, 35(2): 261-279.
■BENGUIGUI L., etc. Modeling cities in 3D: a cellular automaton approach[J], Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2008, 35(3):413-430.
■PORAT I., etc. Residential and nonresidential construction initiations in Tel Aviv-Yafo: autocorrelation analysis of urban structure evolution[J], Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2008, 35(3):535-551.
■COUTTS C. Greenway accessibility and physical-activity behavior[J], Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 2008, 35(3):552-563.
■ZHONG T., etc. A model for public involvement in transportation improvement programming using participatory Geographic Information Systems[J], Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 2008, 32(2): 123-133.
■GENELETTIA D., DUREN I. Protected area zoning for conservation and use: A combination of spatial multicriteria and multiobjective evaluation[J], Landscape and Urban Planning, 2008, 85(2):97-110.