文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)
■刘滨谊,现代景观规划设计[M]. 南京:东南大学出版社,2005.
■MICHAEL D.M. Landscape Architecture Theory: An Evolving Body of Thought[M], Illinois: Waveland Press, 2005.
■LYLE, JOHN T. Regenerative Design for Sustainable Development[M]. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc,1994
■PETER D.S. Theories and Applications of Ecology[M]. New Jersey Prentice Hall: 1996
■刘滨谊,景观学学科发展战略研究[J]. 风景园林,2005(2):87-92
■俞孔坚,生存的艺术:定位当代景观设计学[J].建筑学报,2006(10) :39-43
■涌井史郎, 沈悦, 张安. 2005 EXPO-JAPAN"爱·地球博"之风景园林新领域[J]. 中国园林, 2006(7):1-51
■谢凝高,国家风景名胜区功能的发展及其保护利用[J]. 中国园林,2005(7):1-8
■CORNER J, Recovering landscape as a critical cultural practice. //Recovering Landscape: Essays in Contemporary Landscape Architecture[C], New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1999.