文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)
■MARTIN S. What is political economy: A study of social theory and underdevelopment [M]. Yale University Press, 1985.
■JOHN K. The urban politics of workfare: New York city's welfare reform and the dimensions of welfare policy making [J]. Urban Affairs Review, 2007(6): 771-798.
■PAUL J. Urban management, urban poverty and urban governance: planning and land management in maputo[J], Environment and Urbanization, 2000(4): 137-152.
■MARK T J, DONALD M. The politics of city-region planning and governance: reconciling the national, regional and urban in the competing voices of institutional restructuring [J], European Urban and Regional Studies, 2000(4): 119-134.
■ALBERT G. Multidimensional land use classification and how it evolved: reflections on a methodological innovation in urban planning [J]. Journal of Planning History, 2002(11): 311-324.
■野海平, 陶希东著. 大都市公共政策[M]. 北京大学出版社,2007.
■汪利娜. 中国城市土地产权制度研究[M]. 北京:社会科学文献出版社,2006.
■余振, 陈瑞莲著. 中国城市公共行政与公共政策比较研究[M]. 北京:中国社会科学出版社,2006.