文献精选(Selected Books and Articles) 发布时间:2011-05-10 点击:1339

文献精选(Selected Books and Articles


MECHTILD RC?CILE MWorld Heritage reports No.20Periodic Report and Action PlanEurope 2005-2006[R]ParisUNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2007.

CIIC3rd Draft Annotated Revised Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention[S]MadridSpain2003.

L?ON PThe World Heritage Conservationtwenty years later [M]. UNESCO Publishing1996.


PENDLEBURY J. Conservation and RegenerationComplementary or Conflicting Processes?The Case of Grainger Town, Newcastle upon Tyne[J]Planning Practice & Research, 2007 (2)145-158.

AUCOUTURIER MDARQUECERETTI EThe surface of cultural heritage artefacts physicochemical investigations for their knowledge and their conservation [J]Chem Soc Rev, 2007, 36 (10)1605-21.

BREIDENBACH JNYIRI P"Our common heritage"New tourist nations post"Socialist" pedagogy and the globalization of nature[J]Current Anthropology, 2007, 48 (2)322-330.