文献精选(Selected Books and Articles) 发布时间:2011-06-01 点击:1518

文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)

■BERKE P R, GODSCHALK D R. Urban land use planning[M], Fifth edition, University of Illinois Press, 2006.
■HOPKINS L D. Urban development: the logic of making plans[M]. Island Press, 2001.
■CHRIS C, DENNEMANN A. Urban regeneration and sustainable development in Britain——the example of the Liverpool ropewalks partnership[J]. Cities, 2000, 17(2):137-147.
■COUCH C, SYKESA O, B?魻RSTINGHAUSB W. Thirty years of urban regeneration in Britain, Germany and France: the importance of context and path dependency[J]. Progress in Planning, 2011, 75(1): 152.
■HUANG Shuli, YEH Chiatsung, BUDD W W, et al. A sensitivity model (SM) approach to analyze urban development in Taiwan based on sustainability indicators[J]. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 2009, 29: 116-125.
■MIZUUCHI T, JEON H G. The new mode of urban renewal for the former outcaste minority people and areas in Japan[J]. Cities, 2010, 27: 25-34.
■WYLY E K, HAMMEL D J. Gentrification, housing policy, and the new context of urban redevelopment[J]. Research in Urban Sociology, 2001, 6: 211-276.
■YIGITCANLAR T, O’CONNOR K, WESTERMAN C. The making of knowledge cities: Melbourne's knowledge-based urban development experience[J]. Cities, 2008, 25: 63-72.