文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)
■EDWIN B, The cost of land use decisions, blackwell publishing[M], 2007(8).
■JOHN M, DANIEL M. Urban economics and real estate, Blackwell Publishing[M], 2006(10).
■DAVID C S, Long view: From congestion to sprawl: Planning and health in historical context, JAPA[J], 2006,72(1): 10-18.
■DONNELLY S, EVANS T P, Characterizing spatial patterns of land ownership at the parcel level in south-central Indiana(1928-1997)[J], Landscape and Urban Planning, 2008,84: 230-240.■YE B Y, BAI Z K. Simulating land use/cover changes of Nenjiang county based on CA-markov mode, computer and computing technologies in agriculture[J], 2008, 258(1): 321-329
■DAVID L. WEI C, Area-based models of highway growth[J], Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2007, 133(4):250-254
■DIXON T. The property development industry and sustainable urban brownfield regeneration in England: An analysis of case studies in Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester[J], Urban Studies, 2007, 44(12):2379-2400
■KIM D S. Location modeling of population and land-use change in rural area by new expressway[J], Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2007,133(3): 201-210
■JULIAN C J, etc. Land use planning and development regulation law[J], Practitioner Treatise Series, 2007(11).