文献精选(Selected Books and Articles)
■BANISTER D. Transport and urban development[M]. London and New York: E&FN SPON, 1995.
■ARNOTT R, RAVE T, SCH?觟B R. Alleviating urban traffic congestion[M]. Oxford: The MIT press, 2005.
■VANKA S, HANDY S, KOCKELMAN K. State-Local coordination in managing land use and transportation along state highways[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2005, 131( 1):10-18.
■DIANHAI W, HAIXIA Z. New traffic assignment method on circuit theory for urban planning[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2005, 131( 1):30-38.
■SOHAIL M, CAVILL S, COTTON A.P. Sustainable operation and maintenance of urban infrastructure: myth or reality[J]. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 2005, 131( 1):39-49.
■MING Z. Travel choice with no alternative: can land use reduce automobile dependence[J]. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 2006,25(3): 311-326.
■RODRIGUEZ D. A, TARGA F, AYTUR S. A. Transport implications of urban containment policies: a study of the largest twenty-five US metropolitan areas[J]. Urban studies, 2006,43:1879-1897.
■CURTIS C. The windscreen world of land use transport integration-experiences from Perth. WA, a dispersed city[J]. Town planning Review, 2005,76(4):423-457